Caring for your new piercing

Different types of piercings require different types of aftercare! Each of these links will open a PDF file of an appropriate aftercare brochure identical to the one you would receive after a piercing.

The information in the brochures below is generalized to tissue type, there will be some nuances that we’ll detail for you when your piercing is completed! We will individualize care based on anatomy, jewelry choice, specific piercing, and lifestyle.

If you feel like your piercing isn't healing appropriately, whether or not we did it, we are always happy to provide a troubleshooting consultation for free. Resist the urge to self-diagnose! We are eager to help and are always available to answer your questions. 


Earlobe Aftercare

Covers general care for earlobe piercings.


Soft Tissue Aftercare

Applicable to all oral piercings, navel piercings, surface piercings (dermal anchors and surface bars), and genital piercings.


Hard Tissue Aftercare

Applicable to all hard tissue piercings. This includes nostril piercings and all ear piercings that are not earlobes.